Finska Korningen / Finnish Mental/Character Test for Dogs. (Korung)


Finska Kennelklubben 16/10-10, Finland. Domare: Sirkka Lempinnen, Carita Koskinen
Antonia Vom Geiersbach

måttlig (+1) / Capacity to Function +1 - Moderate

Skärpa: liten utan kvarstående aggressivitet (+1) / Tendency to aggressive behaviour
+1 - Low without post-attack aggressiveness

måttlig (+3) / Desire for defence action +3 - Moderate, controlled

Kamplust: måttlig (+2) / Desire for fight
+2 - Moderate

Nervkonstitution: relativ nervfast (+2) / Nerves +2 - Moderate calm

Temperament: mindre livlig (+2) / Temperament +2 - Moderate

Hårdhet: något vek (+1) / Hardness +1 - Tendency to softness

Tillgänglighet: Tillgänglig, öppen (+3) /
Accessibility +3 - Kind, accessibile, open

Skottfasthet: Skottfast /
Secure to shots

+192 poäng/points

A dog is certified when its total points are at least +75 and it has got positive rank (at least +1) from the following features:

- Tendency to aggressiveness
- Nerves
- Accessibility

1: The test starts with the judge interviewing owner. The purpose of this interview is to find out how much experience this dog has, what is the possible training level (for instance a dog trained to defence work reacts differently than a pet), e.t.c.

2: The judge gives the dog possibility to take contact. If the dog doesn't make contact independently the judge calls it by it's name. The dog should allow the judge at least to take contact with it, and then there are, of course, numerous alternatives of liking, disliking, or loving it!

3: The judge tries to get the dog to fight with him. This is performed with a stick or some stuff. If a dog starts to play with the stick, it will also be threatened by the judge to estimate the actual force of this feature.

4: Threatened. This phase is executed by pulling an obscure, human like figure towards the dog, who is standing on a leash with his owner.
 The dog can't solve the sort of this menace, and will be afraid of it (must be!).

The capability of functioning is actually seen when the figure reaches dog's owner and stops moving.
 How long it does take to make contact with the figure? Does the dog need help from it's owner e.t.c.

5: Defence. The dog is walking with it's owner. Suddenly the judge attacks the owner with force.
 The dog should immediatelly start to protect the owner and stay between the figurant and the owner.


When the dog has reacted clearly (escape or defence action) the judge stops the attack and starts to talk friendly to the dog.

The dog should stop defending and meet after a while the judge frindly without any aggression.

6: Mental hardness. This phase is normally performed with an umbrella which suddenly opens in front of the dog to scare it.
 The mental hardness is determined when the owner takes the dog back to the scareing place after a while.
 A soft dog refuses to go again to that place, a hard one doesn't seem to remember the whole thing.

7: Temperament. This phase is normally performed by letting a noisy clattering barrel roll after and chase the dog.
 The force of dog's reaction shows it's temperament

8: Function capacity. Dog's owner goes into a dark room which has several obstacles for the dog. After a while the dog is let into the room.
 The dog should search for it's owner without help in the dark. It should ignore other people and all the obstacles on his way to the owner.

9: Aggressivity. The dog is tied up to a wall with a short leash and left alone there. The judge tacks slowly towards the dog with a growing force.
 The more aggressive tendency a dog has, the earlier it starts to resist the attack

10: Shooting test. The dog may still be tied up to the wall, or it may be standing on leash with the owner.


There will be at least two shots from a distance. The dog shouldn't be afraid of these shots.